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"Gripping and hard to put down." - Karin, Monster Ivy Book Club Reviewer"


Although the subject of child abuse is heartbreaking, the author manages to weave a thread of optimism and hope through the misery." - Linda, Reviewer"


Wowza! I finished in 24 hours." - Toni, ReviewerThere's safety in silence...

Fifteen-year-old Cora Snow has a secret only her "Daddy" and her journal know about. Aside from Daddy, the only people Cora talks to are her teachers and imaginary friends. She obeys all of Daddy's commands, like calling him "Daddy," to keep him happy, and herself alive. Besides, it's the only normal she's ever known.

She's content in her bubble until one day her journal goes missing at school. In order to keep her secret, Cora is forced to befriend the students most likely behind the theft. Since she's never been friends with humans before, it makes acting naturally with them that much harder.

Soon, threats appear—blackmailing things like test answers and money in exchange for the journal. Cora has to break all the rules she's lived to keep her and Daddy's secret safe. His stormy moods add to the difficulty of meeting the blackmailer's demands, often getting her sent to timeout, aka a locked basement.

If Cora can't track down the blackmailer and destroy the journal, Daddy will get sent to jail, and if he has time, send Cora six feet under.

Good Girls Stay Quiet by Jo Cassidy

SKU: 364215376135191
  • Review

    "I had so much to get done this week and reading Good Girls Stay Quiet was not at the top of that list. I ordered the paperback but then amazon offered me a few chapters to read while I waited for my book to come. I was hooked from the first page. I couldn't wait for my book to ship to my house. I went ahead and ordered the kindle version too! I had to explain to my husband why I bought two of the same book in the same day! I stayed up late two nights in a row to finish reading it. I loved the character. She's so self reliant on this dysfunctional relationship because sometimes what you know seems better than what you can imagine. But I love the sassiness and strength that slips out when she lets her guard down. In fact her adaptability to survive her circumstances is just a testament to her strength. This was a page turner for me. The mystery had me suspecting everyone. I've talked my new book club into reading this book and I'm excited to talk it over with others who have read it!" - Crystal, Amazon

    "Good Girls Stay Quiet is an interesting exploration of generational abuse and Stockholm syndrome. Because of the frequent violence and isolation, Cora is naive and seems almost child-like, especially in the relationships she has with her stuffed imaginary friends. Daddy’s actions—and Cora’s too near the end of the book—are irrational and unpredictable, further results of their abuse and seclusion." - Vanessa, author and podcaster of Fabled

    "It was intense and scary and exciting and so filled with emotion! I am grateful that the author kept the story at just the right amount of intensity without going too far. It was a clean read although it could trigger people who have suffered from abuse." - djdivine, Amazon

    "This clean suspenseful Novel is a fun quick read. The main characters are well developed and the story line is interesting. I definitely recommend this book and have already sent one to my teenage niece." - jpaul, Amazon

    "I read this in one sitting. Couldn't put it down!" - TxMomof5, Amazon

    "I found this book riveting. From the first page to the last, the writer has you turning page after page, without wanting to put it down. I would recommend it to everyone. Good read!" - Ralph, Amazon

    "I was like Cora, trying to figure out who stole the journal and was blackmailing her. I won't include spoilers, but I was SHOCKED at who the culprit was.
    The storyline with her and Brendon as a potential love interest/friend was adorable." - ALW, Amazon

    "Love, love, LOVE this book! I know it’s a YSA book and I’m 37 but I still found myself on the edge of my seat reading this and loving every minute of it. It’s got just the right amount of suspense. It’s never slow. AND, it’s totally clean. I recommend this book to anyone looking to lose sleep, because trust me, you won’t put it down, even if you’re dead tired!" - K.V., Amazon

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