Our Story

​​And, so, the sisters decided they'd create their own publishing house, one that pushed bold boundaries while venturing into the light.
The Roots Of Monster Ivy
Monster Ivy began with two sisters who craved a home for books that didn't seem to exist anywhere. ​
They wanted books with taboo storylines, grittier subjects, or darker tones that also clung to ideals of hope, faith, redemption, and even some discussions of God.
There were plenty of Christian publishers— in fact, every large publisher has at least one Christian imprint — but most, if not all, offered warmer and fuzzier stories. The secular market had little room for faith-based messages.
And, so, the sisters decided they'd create their own publishing house, one that pushed bold boundaries while venturing into the light. It was the end of 2016 when Monster Ivy was born.
They wanted books with taboo storylines, grittier subjects, or darker tones that also clung to ideals of hope, faith, redemption, and even some discussions of God.
Today Monster Ivy has grown to include more authors, new employees, and even a new owner. But we maintain the ideals of the original founders: creating "Edgy, Clean" fiction for our audience to enjoy. Our stories may have some warm and fuzzy elements, but we also have ax-wielding sirens, magical storm clouds, teen superspies, and reformed prostitutes.
We love the readers we’ve found and can’t wait for more to share our excitement over these stories.​​ Check us out. Give one book a read. You'll find each book is a gem in its own way. Then, tell your friends and help us spread our monstrous idea. We’ll keep taking our giant leaps of faith, believing our gracious Father in Heaven will keep blessing our efforts and make it what He wants!